Use this site to search for a certified Adult Literacy Program or Adult Learning Centre. It lists all the Literacy Programs and Learning Centres. All Programs and Centres are free.
The Government of Manitoba's Adult Learning and Literacy Branch publishes the Adult Literacy and Learning Centres directory and administers GED testing. They also maintain a website with adult literacy and learning information for Manitobans.
Literacy Organizations
This is a list of adult literacy organizations in Manitoba and beyond which provide advocacy and information to anyone interested in adult literacy.
The Library's WELL program offers literacy upgrading for adults for Stages 1 and 2. The program helps learners upgrade their skills to be able to further their learning and meet personal goals.
The WELL Adult Literacy Program is open and accepting new learners.
ABC Life Literacy is a national organization promoting literacy skills to people in Canada. There are a number of resources on their website for financial, health, family and workplace literacy which may be useful for learners and educators.