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LinkedIn Learning

Online learning
person working on laptop

With LinkedIn Learning you can connect with over 16,000+ online courses in 7 languages taught by real-world professionals. Dozens of courses are added each week.

The LinkedIn Learning library allows you to browse for learning paths, courses, videos, collections, and custom content.

If asked for a library ID when logging in, please use 'winnipegpubliclibrary'.


Log in with your library card using the link shared in this guide, on either a desktop web browser or a mobile device.

Note: Once you've logged in successfully in a browser, you'll also be able to log in using the LinkedIn Learning app, available on Apple and Android devices. Use the libraryID 'winnipegpubliclibrary' to activate the app, when asked.


If this is your first time using LinkedIn Learning, the site will ask you to choose a minimum of three subjects to help personalize your learning experience. You can choose from Business, Tech and Creative topics.

Once your subjects have been set, you'll be asked to set a weekly goal for hours watched (you can skip this step).


Your privacy is important to us. None of the content you choose to view on LinkedIn will ever be shared with Winnipeg Public Library.

To keep the Library login process simple and protect your privacy, LinkedIn Learning accounts through your library only identify you through your library card number; neither your name nor any other personal information is stored by the Library or LinkedIn. You're simply identified as a member of the City of Winnipeg group.


Once you've completed the setup steps, you'll be able to browse the great video content available on the site and choose courses to watch.


If you find a video you'd like to share with others, you can do so using the Share menu. If the user you're sharing with has a Winnipeg Public Library card, they'll be prompted to login with their card information when they click on the link, and be able to start watching the video straight away after authenticating.

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