Cantook Libraries est un service de prêt numérique. Vous retrouverez des livres numériques et des livres audio pour enfants, ados et adultes. À la page d'acceuil, veuillez inscrire votre numéro de carte de bibliothèque dans la casse marquée "Identifiant" et votre NIP dans la casse marquée "Mot de passe." / Cantook Libraries offers French ebooks and audiobooks, with titles in all categories and for all age groups. Once on the site, please enter your library card number in the box marked "Username" and your PIN in the box marked "Password."
hoopla brings you thousands of movies, television, and music titles. All you need is a library card and a web browser, phone, or tablet. Internet Explorer 11 is a not a supported browser. Please use Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.
Kanopy Kids is an on-demand streaming video service that provides library customers access to a large collection of films and courses specifically selected for children.
Online, streaming access to classical, contemporary, jazz, blues, nostalgia, world/folk, new age and Chinese music. Includes more than 2.4 million audio tracks from approximately 150,000 albums, with more added monthly.
PressReader provides access to thousands of current newspapers and magazines from dozens of countries and in dozens of languages. Read the full text or original print view of popular titles like The Globe and Mail, Winnipeg Sun, Calgary Herald, National Post, Edmonton Journal, and many more.
TeenBookCloud is an online collection for middle and high school teens and adults of all reading levels. It includes enhanced novels, ebooks, graphic novels, videos, and audiobooks. Enhanced ebooks combine professional narration with line-by-line highlighting to support ESL, emerging, and reluctant readers. Quizzes and lesson plans are available for educators, making it easy to integrate into curriculum. It also includes categories, such as AP English, Hi/Lo books, English classics, and Shakespeare.
Animated, talking children's picture books created from existing books with quizzes, puzzles and memory games.
The Digital Library services on this page are made available to you through a subscription owned by Winnipeg Public Library. To access these Digital Library services outside the Library, you will be asked to enter a valid Winnipeg Public Library card number. Access to these Digital Library services from home is licensed for personal use only; institutions may not access these Digital Library services.