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Vehicle Repair

Learn about how your vehicle works, how to fix it, and how to make informed vehicle decisions.

Many individuals own vehicles, but the maintenance and repair of them remains an intimidating mystery. The library offers a range of resources to help you learn the basics of vehicle repair. 

Please note: Some repairs are best left to professionals, but others can be done by you with a little knowledge. Users assume all responsibility for maintenance and repairs undertaken. If you're unsure about a repair, especially on newer models with electronic parts, err on the side of caution and take the vehicle to a professional mechanic. 

Dare to repair your car: a do-it-herself guide to maintenance, safety, minor fix-its, and talking shop

A basic car care and safety book written by women for women ... and men, and new teen drivers, and senior drivers. Okay, it's for every person who dares to drive a car. Filled with detailed illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions, Dare to Repair Your Car will help you shift gears and get you moving in the direction of maintaining your car -- yourself.

How to make your car last forever

For many people, a well-maintained automobile is a source of pride and peace of mind. But for others, the idea of routine maintenance is daunting. How to Make Your Car Last Forever will guide you through the minefield of preventative maintenance, repair, extended warranties, and magic elixirs that claim to cure everything.

Auto repair for dummies

For new or would-be do-it-yourself mechanics, this illustrated how-to guide has long been a must. For anyone who wants to save money on car repairs and maintenance, this book is the place to start.

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